Moving Toward Best Practices in Newborn Screening Education & Engagement

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Moving Toward Best Practices in Newborn Screening Education & Engagement

Public Square #05Published June 05, 2017
The Prompt: 

On June 5-6, 2017 in Washington, DC,  families, health professsionals, newborn screening and public professionals, and health educators (to name a few) gathered together for the Beyond the Bloodspot: Education and Engagement Summit. The goal of this summit was to: 1) identify and evaluate best practices that improve family and healthcare provider understanding of the system; 2) identify best practices that increase family and healthcare provider involvement in the newborn screening system; and 3) evaluate family and health care provider involvement in the newborn screening system.

While this summit was only a starting point in gathering potential best practices and understanding the challenges toward creating these best practices, we want to hear from you! How can we move toward best practices in newborn screening education and engagement?

Goals of the Summit:

  • Identify and evaluate best practices that improve family and healthcare provider understanding of the newborn screening system
  • Identify best practices that increase family and healthcare provider involvement in the newborn screening system
  • Evaluate family and health care provider involvement in the newborn screening system
- See more at:

Goals of the Summit:

  • Identify and evaluate best practices that improve family and healthcare provider understanding of the newborn screening system
  • Identify best practices that increase family and healthcare provider involvement in the newborn screening system
  • Evaluate family and health care provider involvement in the newborn screening system
- See more at:
The Question: 
How can we move toward best practices in education and engagement?

Public Square

A series of open discussions about newborn screening, for practitioners, policymakers and the public.

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The Question: 
How can we move toward best practices in education and engagement?
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Public Square

A series of open discussions about newborn screening, for practitioners, policymakers and the public.

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