States Nevada
Conditions Screened
Nevada currently screens for 58 conditions
The Nevada Program
Each state runs its program differently, for more detailed information please visit their website here.
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Here is a brochure for the Nevada EHDI program
What Conditions are Screened For in Nevada?
Amino Acid Disorders
Argininemia (ARG)
Benign Hyperphenylalaninemia (H-PHE)
Biopterin Defect in Cofactor Biosynthesis (BIOPT-BS)
Biopterin Defect in Cofactor Regeneration (BIOPT-REG)
Citrullinemia, Type I (CIT)
Citrullinemia, Type II (CIT II)
Classic Phenylketonuria (PKU)
Homocystinuria (HCY)
Hypermethioninemia (MET)
Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD)
Tyrosinemia, Type I (TYR I)
Tyrosinemia, Type II (TYR II)
Tyrosinemia, Type III (TYR III)
Endocrine Disorders
Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorders
2,4 Dienoyl-CoA Reductase Deficiency (DE RED)
Carnitine Uptake Defect (CUD)
Glutaric Acidemia, Type II (GA-2)
Hemoglobin Disorders
Hemoglobinopathies (Var Hb)
S, Beta-Thalassemia (Hb S/ßTh)
S, C Disease (Hb S/C)
Sickle Cell Anemia (Hb SS)
Organic Acid Conditions
2-Methyl-3-Hydroxybutyric Acidemia (2M3HBA)
2-Methylbutyrylglycinuria (2MBG)
3-Methylglutaconic Aciduria (3MGA)
Glutaric Acidemia, Type I (GA-1)
Isobutyrylglycinuria (IBG)
Isovaleric Acidemia (IVA)
Malonic Acidemia (MAL)
Methylmalonic Acidemia with Homocystinuria (Cbl C, D, F)
Propionic Acidemia (PROP)
Other Disorders
Biotinidase Deficiency (BIOT)
Classic Galactosemia (GALT)
Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
Galactoepimerase Deficiency (GALE)
Galactokinase Deficiency (GALK)
Hearing loss (HEAR)
Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)
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About Newborn Screening in Nevada
Program Overview:
The purpose of the Nevada Newborn Screening Program is to screen every child in the state for a range of conditions and to ensure necessary life-saving treatment if a child is found to have a condition which, if left untreated, could cause permanent damage or even death. Since these conditions cannot be detected without specific tests, it is vital that all babies be screened at birth.
Nevada screens for over 30 conditions, which include metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders, hematological disorders and cystic fibrosis. The first test must be collected before your baby leaves the hospital or birth center. The second test should be collected before your baby is 15 days old. Take the second screening card to your baby’s care provider at your first visit after birth. Since timely treatment can make the difference between life and death, it is important that your doctor have a current phone number and address so they can reach you if your child needs to be seen again. If your doctor does contact you about your baby’s results, do not panic but make sure to follow their instructions immediately.
How is Newborn Screening Paid for in Nevada?
The Newborn Screening Program is supported entirely with fees generated by birth registrations. Each person who is legally responsible for registering the birth of a child shall submit a fee of $81 to the Division of Public and Bahavioral Health.
Policies and Resources
While it is highly discouraged, a parent may refuse screening of their newborn for personal and/or religious beliefs. In the event that a parent does wish to object, your doctor will fully inform you about the process and all screening conditions and then obtain a signed Newborn Screening Test Refusal (informed dissent) document. This should be placed in the infant’s medical record and one copy sent to the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public and Behavioral Health and another to NSPHL.
Support for families:
One of the concerns many families have when they first learn their child has a condition detected during the newborn screening process is the possibility of increased health care costs. Fortunately, Nevada has various policies and programs in place that assist families with obtaining the best care for their child.
In terms of state services, Nevada’s Children and Youth With Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) Program assists families of CYSHCN and supports both the Nevada Children's Medical Home Portal with information on numerous conditions and connections to local and statewide resources ( and the CYSHCN bilingual helpline, 1-866-326-8437.
For those covered by private insurance, all policies of health insurance, policies of group health insurance, contracts for hospital and medical services and health maintenance plans must provide for medical foods and formulas which are prescribed by a doctor to treat conditions found by newborn screening. Insurers are required to cover up to $2,500 per year for special food products.
Storage and Use of Dried Blood Spots:
Nevada Newborn screening specimens are processed by the Nevada State Public Health Laboratory and are stored by them for 6-12 months and then destroyed.
To see a copy of the blood spot card used in Nevada click here.
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