Pages in Grant Opportunity: EHDI Parents

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Grant Opportunity: EHDI Parents

  • Baby’s First Test would like to share the news of another recently announced grant opportunity for research that may help save babies!

    The Disability Research and Dissemination Center has released an new grant opportunity for research on “Improving the Coordination and Documentation of Enrollment into Early Intervention for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children through Parent Engagement”.

    Grant Specifications

    Eligible applicants will come from a non-profit organization that has the ability to communicate with groups of parents of children who are deaf or hard of hearing.

    One award will be given for an amount up to $35,000 for 1 year.

    Applications must be received by March 1st, 2016.

    For more information visit the following link: 

    Importance of Hearing Screening

    Sound is one important tool through which a child learns to communicate and interact with his or her surrounding world. Since deaf or hard of hearing children have different experiences with this tool than other children, they must learn different ways of communicating. Early recognition of the issue and intervention are vital for developing strong communication skills, which help deaf or hard of hearing children throughout their lives. Thanks to newborn screening, many affected babies receive early diagnoses so they and their families can get help early and keep their development on track!

    For more information, please visit our page on hearing loss.

    Good luck to all applicants!

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