Pages in Programs and Policy

Programs and Policy 2016 Consumer Task Force

The Consumer Task Force on Newborn Screening was created to engage relevant stakeholders with an interest in newborn screening policies, activities, and current events. The two components of this program are training and project development. Members of the Task Force will be trained on issues relevant to newborn screening and will create projects targeting groups who typically are under-informed about the importance of newborn screening. A key tool for these projects will be After serving on the Task Force, members will be equipped with the skills and knowledge to continue work on newborn screening programs or other maternal and child health-related issues. No previous experience is necessary, only a desire to learn about and to make a positive impact in newborn screening and maternal and child health. Upon completion of Task Force activities, members will receive a certificate acknowledging the training they received.

Baby's First Test 2016 Request for Applications

The deadline for receipt of applications has been extended to 6:00 p.m. EDT on February 15, 2016.

All inquiries regarding the Consumer Task Force should be submitted to Natasha Bonhomme at [email protected].

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